Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Book Signing at Meridian, Idaho Hastings, Sat. 11/22: Americus Dotter, author of Soul Sale: A Rude Awakening.

In Soul Sale: A Rude Awakening, Americus Dotter does a great job of helping the reader feel some of the pain of psychosis, in a tale weaved from her real life experiences. The book explores the issue from several perspectives.  She offers stark implications for bioethics.
Elements of fantasy and reality are weaved to give readers an inside look at one woman's remarkable journey. And while the darkness is spelled out, the book also offers inspiration for women, in the end.

              Meet Americus Dotter at Meridian, Idaho Hastings, Sat. 11/22 
from 3 - 9 p.m.
About Americus Dotter's book, an amazon reviewer wrote:
I walked into a local bookstore to see an artist book signing. I love to read and thought I don't do much for myself, I am going to buy this book. I didn't ask what the book was about and I have never just walked up to an author and purchased a book. I was drawn to this woman it was as though I was following a beacon, like something told me I had to stop, I could not pass up this book or meeting.. I am personally dealing with much more than I can handle at the moment and this book and the authors experiences let me know I am not alone. No I didn't have the same experiences and do not have the same exact mental issues. However, I have had or do have many of the same thoughts and feelings.
During my tour through the author's experiences, thoughts, and feelings, I laughed, I cried, I related, and I was motivated to take my own life back to find happiness again.. When this book becomes a movie, if it isn't to scarey,I would love to see it.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Believe in Heidi Knittel

Heidi writes:
Bill Clinton just emailed me to let me know he believes in me! (I believe in you, too, Bill!) I'm pretty sure my boss and colleagues believe in me. My dogs definitely do! The question is:

Do you believe in me?

This Friday, Oct. 10th, the number and amount of contributions to my campaign will become public knowledge. While my opponent, Sen. Todd Lakey, may have thousands of dollars in "good ol' boy" corporate money, I have over 100 regular donations from folks just like you and me.


The Knittel for Senate campaign needs to raise just $2,200 to pay for final campaign materials. Every dollar sends my opponent another message!!

Apparently, Lakey doesn't think he has to earn your vote. He hasn't knocked on one door or made a single phone call to any person in District 12 I have spoken to. Most folks don't even know his name. Lakey doesn't talk about a single Issue on his website. The only thing he added? A proud Endorsement by Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter. I guess he thinks being a 'good ol' boy" is enough to get him re-elected, without having to do any work.

1. Lakey supports the "Luna Laws," (a lot like Tiered Licensure) despite the will of the people. ON NOTICE!

2. Lakey defends payday loan sharks who flock to Idaho so they can charge the highest interest rates - 538% - in the nationON NOTICE!

3. After winning his Primary election, Lakey told the Idaho Press Tribune that "there's no one issue he's excited to get back to when he returns to the Capitol . . ." After the travesty of Legislative Session 2014, I think one would have to be asleep at the wheel to not feel passionate about at least one or two issues. I know I'm experiencing frustrat - I mean, passion, about many critical issues in Idaho: Education, Economy and Integrity in the Capitol, to name just three. ON NOTICE!

Let's put Mr. Lakey ON NOTICE in the next 72 hours!!! DONATE just $5, $10, $15 or more to show the "good ol' boys" they have to work harder to earn our respect and our vote!
Thank you,
