Elements of fantasy and reality are weaved to give readers an inside look at one woman's remarkable journey. And while the darkness is spelled out, the book also offers inspiration for women, in the end.
Meet Americus Dotter at Meridian, Idaho Hastings, Sat. 11/22
from 3 - 9 p.m.
About Americus Dotter's book, an amazon reviewer wrote:
I walked into a local bookstore to see an artist book signing. I love to read and thought I don't do much for myself, I am going to buy this book. I didn't ask what the book was about and I have never just walked up to an author and purchased a book. I was drawn to this woman it was as though I was following a beacon, like something told me I had to stop, I could not pass up this book or meeting.. I am personally dealing with much more than I can handle at the moment and this book and the authors experiences let me know I am not alone. No I didn't have the same experiences and do not have the same exact mental issues. However, I have had or do have many of the same thoughts and feelings.
During my tour through the author's experiences, thoughts, and feelings, I laughed, I cried, I related, and I was motivated to take my own life back to find happiness again.. When this book becomes a movie, if it isn't to scarey,I would love to see it.
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